2017-19: Gearbox Design
This is the "Design Highlights" document(s) made by me and teammates of FIRST Robotics Team 846: The Funky Monkeys in Lynbrook High School.

2019-20: Robot Integration and Storage Design

FlippidyDoDa concept by teammate Sam P.

Triple Gravity Feed concept by me

Engineering Notebook Sketches of Ball Storage System Concepts
The Final Design Concept:

picture by Joseph L.
Swerve Project
The swerve summer project was an RnD project to see if the team could build our own pivoting wheel "swerve" modules. This particular iteration was nearly completed but never reached production, however the team continues these efforts today. My role was a project co-lead exploring two stage belt version of the swerve. This direction made it to the geometry stage, but then a different (one stage bevel gear) direction was chosen instead.